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 313 P3 Floor, Tower 1, The Onyx Towers, The Greens, Dubai, United Arab Emirates


Monday – Friday
9am – 6pm


Do I need a visa to rent a property?

For a residential lease obtention of residency visa and UAE ID prior to signing the lease are legal requirements.

Is Dubai dog friendly?

Dubai is becoming more and more dog-friendly with dog parks and kennels. But dogs are not allowed in parks or public beaches and it’s important to check with residential property managements, hotels and restaurants regarding their pet policies. Some residential places still do not allowed dogs. Also climate is very hot and humid during summer months and dogs have to be walked either very early morning or during the night.

Does Dubai have seasons?

Dubai has two seasons: summer, from May to end of October and winter, from November to April. At the peak of summer temperatures are above 40 (celsius) with very high humidity (which make those months particularly uncomfortable.

Is there a dress code for women?

There is no particular restriction in Dubai when it comes to women’s clothing except in the neighbouring Emirate of Sharjah. However, it’s important to respect the local culture where appropriate. When visiting religious sites such as mosques, women are asked to cover their hair and wear longer clothing.

Are public displays of affection allowed?

A simple act of affection such as holding hands is fine, but excessive public displays of affection are not allowed in Dubai.

Can I drink alcohol?

Tourists and residents over the age of 21 can drink alcohol at licensed venues in Dubai,a such as hotels and restaurants and all residents need to apply for a permit to consume or keep alcohol. Zero-tolerance policy for drunken behaviour and drink-driving.